Implementing SmartSheet Projects into Resource Management for Generating Analytics Reports
Issue: I am manually inserting projects from Smartsheet (Gantt View ) into Resource Management Worklist to generate full analytic reports. I have been manually inserting each phases, team member names, and work items. This is extremely time consuming giving all the projects being tracked on Smartsheet. Resolution:…
Confused on Cross-sheet references
I have received the below message when attempting to create a Data Collection sheet: Unable to create cross-sheet reference, because this sheet already contains the maximum number of different cross-sheet references. I have read the many different cross-reference post but still find myself confused. Here is my situation.…
Default Sort setting
Hi, How can I set a default for sorting in a sheet? For example, I have a system "Modified Date" column, and I want the sheet to ALWAYS sort by descending order, i.e. the most recently modified on top. I want the sort setting to stay even when refreshed, and when I'm editing in the sheet that the modified row will…
A PowerBI novice's guide to embedding dynamic reports in Smartsheet dashboards
I've recently embarked on a foray into linking PowerBI with Smartsheet, with the goal of creating dashboards where data can be sliced and diced interactively, and which update with new data automatically. The purpose of this post is to share the steps I had to go through, along with a few learnings, so that other novices…
Too many Cell References Error
So i am making a sheet to keep track of different devices i mangage. While doing this i ended up with a lot of duplicate columns (Ex: Description column and another column named [DESCRIPTION] with the formula "=Description@row") Since getting the too many cell references error i deleted about half of the columns i had and…
How do I rename a calendar in the Calendar App
I need to rename a calendar but have not been able to find the option to do that in Settings. Do I have to create a new calendar?
Timeline view - ordering and grouping
Ordering Is it possible to order the timeline view without having to create a grouping? by adding grouping for any project with more than 4 or 5 milestones this creates a very extensive view that is not condensed enough to view the overall program at once. Swimlanes (Show/Hide) Also is it possible for the timeline to only…
Odd bug in Date formula?
So here is something I have been trying to tweek with no success…. I have this column formula which takes the date in column A and gives me the updated date of same month, last day + 2 yrs (ie 11/01/24 becomes 11/30/26) =DATE(YEAR([Appointment Month]@row) + 2, MONTH([Appointment Month]@row) + 1, 1) - 1 and it works great…
Make Report Source Sheet Selector Wider
Please make the section where source sheets are located a little bit wider. I have 19 source sheets and it's very hard to see them.
Countif -- based on separate row , eliminating certain responses
I have a helper row to create a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in my Summary Tab. But it is counting all entries by participants regardless of the Activity. The Activity selection is a series of drop downs, but I want to eliminate "Training" "Lunch". The current count formula is =COUNTIF([Mtn Safety]:[Mtn Safety], [Mtn Safety]@row) I…