NEW! Wider dashboard canvases and dashboard zoom
Hi Community, Wider dashboard canvases and dashboard zoom are now available! Present more content with less scrolling and elegantly visualize your work on widescreen displays. To convert a standard-size canvas to a wide one, open your standard-size dashboard in edit mode and click the expand icon. We’ve also introduced…
How to dynamically sum two different rows, same shet.
I can't view my post so i'm posting again sorry smartsheet's!…anyways, HELLO INTERWEBS HUMANS!!!, thank you for taking the time to read my word salad. What i'm creating: Time tracking workspace for around 60 employees. Has a lander page that accepts form submissions (clock-in /clock-out) (separate rows). User accepts…
Multiple sheets
Hi! I have one sheet set up where we can input a bunch of different data. Is there a way to input the different data but have them feed to their own sheets instead of populating on a single sheet and having to filter through rows? Hopefully that makes sense!
Add Parent Link to Smart sheet/JIRA connector
Currently, the Smartsheet/Jira Connector is not populating the Parent Link, as Jira moved all Epic Link into Parent Link. With Parent Link, this allows user to be able to calculate the percentage of the completion of the Epic, so anything and everything can fit under it. There is a bug or no support as smartsheet should be…
Unable to Convert to Column Formula
Using this formula Smartsheet isn't letting me convert to a column formula: =[Material Received]@row - [Purchase Date]@row - [Lead Time (days)]@row
DocuSign Mapping Glitch?
I have templates connected to my Smartsheet process where I create the mapping and use 2 columns with emails as the contacts to send out envelopes - but all of a sudden today the mapping part won't bring up these 2 columns for me to use as the emails for the contact portion when creating the DocuSign mapping? It pulls up…
Need a column to auto populate the month NAME when the date column next to it is selected.
What I need: When final complete DATE is entered, the final completion MONTH column lists the month associated. For this example: 11/15/24 was entered in the Final completion DATE column. I need the final completion MONTH column to auto reflect NOVEMBER.
How to create a single notification when Data Shuttle workflow is run by schedule?
Hello! I created a notification triggered by "complete" status of a column, but the sheet is is fed by Data Shuttle workflow that is set to run every 15 minutes. As a result, I received a notification every time the sheet was updated based on the workflow frequency. I need to create a single notification, when the column…
Auto Populate Cell Reference by field names
This is going to be hard to explain, but I'm hoping I can do it. I have a sheet named "ProjectSheet". Under Task Column I have multiple "Applications". Under each Application is a Project Stage (Data Gathering, Build, Post Go Live). Under each Stage are two roles (IC, IE) (Top - image) I have a second "Team_Dates" sheet…
Multiple IF statements
Hello, I'm trying to make an IF( formula for the following criteria. If Tech is YES and Curved is YES, 650 If Tech is YES and Curved is NO, 500 If Tech is NO, 0 Thank you!