Calculate % Complete at Child Level AND Parent Level in one formula
I want to use the following formula as a column formula but have the % complete roll up to the parent level. See formula and snapshot as it appears now. I want Q3 and July Promotions fields to reflect a percentage completion based on the children rows. I can't seem to make it work! % Complete formula: =IF(Status@row =…
ENCODEURL Smartsheet Function
We have several use cases where we build custom URLs that include column data from a source sheet into a Smartsheet form URL string on a target sheet that hosts the form. It would be very helpful if Smartsheet had a function like ENCODEURL. Currently we have to build an ugly formula with multiple embedded SUBSTITUTE…
Count Multiple Values in the Same Column
I'm trying to write a Sheet Summary formula that will tell me how many times multiple criteria appears in one column based on the conditions of another column. I'm struggling with the OR function, and all my COUNTIFS formulas result in 0. I'm using a simple table to help me learn how to write Sheet Summary formulas, but my…
Counting Distinct items.
=IF(COUNTIF({Client Name (Pruning)}, [Client Name]@row) = 0, "", COUNT(COLLECT({Annabelle Name}, {Client Name (Pruning)}, @cell = [Client Name]@row))) The above formula works great after receiving help from a member of this community :) The formula is counting the rows with the criteria; however, there are duplicates…
downloaded RACI template locally (IC-Simple-RACI-Matrix-11490) Click here doesn't work
downloaded RACI template locally (IC-Simple-RACI-Matrix-11490) but clicking on the "Click Here to create in Smartsheets" does not work it only makes a generic welcome page
Nested If statements
I am new here, but cannot figure out how to make a nested if statement or an automation to change the status based on a date in the past. What I would like to happen is when any of these dates are in the past AND the check box is not checked the current status will change to "DELAYED". I can get it to work for one argument…
Why won't Index and Match column formulas work past row 1 on destination sheet?
I'm working on developing a PMO solution and have started with the suggested intake and portfolio metadata sheets. I have set up Index and Match formulas to pull information from the intake sheet into the metadata sheet and they worked beautifully for the first row of data. However, when I entered a few additional test…
search function not bringing user to the row of the "found" item.
Hello, Some of our users are noticing search issues today with wildcard searches in grid view. The search function searches properly however is not bringing user to the row when clicking the found item. In some cases clicking the up or down arrow on the keyboard will refresh it, for others it's no where near the item in…
Calendar View: adjust bar configurations - size and text wrap
It would be nice to be able to adjust the size of items you are looking at your sheets in calendar view. If you have long titles they get cut off. You should be able to adjust how big the bars are or if the text can wrap so it all shows.
Gathering total number of Yes/no responses into one column out of a certain number
I have a multiple drop down cells from a "form" i set up that either have Yes or No as responses. What Im trying to do is to have a cell at the end that provides a number of how many yes there are and give me that total number.