Formula to copy the information of one cell into a different cell
Is it possible to use a formula to copy the information of one cell ( In this case the cell is under a date type column) to another cell (also a date type column) . For example, if my cell #1 under column "concept start date" is: 06/19/19 then automatically my cell #1 under column "Start" would automatically fill up as…
Meeting Management - Implementation of Template Set
Hello All, Has anyone implemented the Meeting Management template set who would be willing to share what works and what could be improved? We are looking at moving our minutes into Smartsheet (obviously), and I would like to understand a bit more. The "Getting Started Guide" for the Meeting Management template set is a bit…
How to automatically update text every week?
Hello, So I have two columns: "Date Week Ending" that lists the last Saturday of each week and "Reference" that lists an X value. I want to have the X value appear for the PREVIOUS week ending date when my current week starts. For example, if today is 9/9 then I want the "X" value to appear for the week ending date of 9/7.…
Change Task Categories of other Cards when One Card is Updated
We have a lane that contains several services to be confirmed when a new client uses our product. There are multiple cards in that lane that need to move to other lanes based on the updating of the task category of one. For example, If a client says that they are going to use Product A, then we move it to a lane for our…
Search bar should be at top of page not hidden
Moving search to the left navigation bar is a horrible idea. Adds an extra step to searching and the nav bar is already poorly implemented as it constantly gets in the way if your mouse hovers a few centimeters too far and then you have to wait for it to disappear. Does anyone actually use Smartsheet before implementing…
Pulling in earliest start date from another sheet based on one criteria
Hi Smartsheets Community, I am trying to work on a formula that pulls in the earliest start date for a column (in another reference sheet) based on a criteria, which is the project type. The current formula I have is: =MIN(COLLECT([{Additional Items Target Start Date}]:[{Additional Items Target Start Date}], [{Additional…
Date Formula
Hello is there a function where a date can be calculated based off a selection from a drop down in another column. For example, if someone selected a status saying "In approvals" which takes 5 days to complete can Smartsheet calculate 5 days from today's date and display that date in another column?
Number of duplicates
Hello, I'm brand new to Smartsheets. Is there a way to find the number of duplicates in a column for a specific value? For example, how many "John Smiths" are in a list of names? Many thanks, Pltrmgrl
big ideas for document generator
My team has 10-20 projects running at any given time in varying scale both in size and end user comfort with Smartsheet. We are (hopefully) transitioning our documentation processes away from clunky word docs into the more automated Google Docs direct from our project register as work requests come through. My first hope,…
Dynamic View - Bad Sheet ID Error
Hello community! I created a report to be used as a source in Dynamic View. I configured Dynamic View Field Logic to display 5 project close detail fields when the project status field is changed to "Complete". When testing, the fields appear when I change the status to "Complete", but when I enter the fields and select…