trial user access query
AS the trial access is limited to 30 days, so would the access to the shared sheet/report/dashboard would be taken away after 30 days?
Copying Dashboards - Formatting Issue
Hello, I used to be able to copy Dashboards directly from a dashboard into a separate dashboard page with a simple copy and paste command and formatting was unchanged. Now when I copy and paste it over, the existing formatting (the colors of the series and legend, specifically) are all changed back to the default settings.…
Issue with Numbering/Lettering in Indented Text
I have a Smartsheet form. Under Form Title, I'm editing its Description field. I'm trying to get numbering/lettering to restart at the initial value (e.g., "a") when indented, but it keeps doing this (see "3c" & "3d" in the image below, which are supposed to be "3a" & "3b", respectively). How do I correct this?
Ownership access to a document transferred from an owner from a different company
Recently our companies split into 2 separate legal entities. A document was created on the Old side for us to use on the new side but ownership cannot be transferred by the creator of that doc. How do we go about transferring ownership if we are now from 2 different companies?
Customer Support Needed: Cannot Transfer Ownership on a Deactivated User
A user was deactivated before we transferred ownership of their items. Although the user is listed under "Deactivated", we're unable to transfer ownership because Smartsheet is saying they don't own any items (which is inaccurate based on an older report we downloaded). The email is also no longer active so we cannot…
Why does the Cell History timestamp return NULL on mobile but not in the browser?
I am having an inconsistent experience when checking Cell History on a browser vs on mobile. It seems like there's 3 bits of data when it comes to each bit of Cell History: user, value, and timestamp. In the browser, it shows all three, but on mobile (iOS) the timestamp is listed as NULL. Mobile iOS View Browser View That…
Copy row automation isnt working from DataMesh sheet
Hi - I have a sheet setup through DataMesh that links 10 columns from my source sheet. Then, I setup an automation to copy rows from the DataMesh sheet to other Smartsheets. However, the copy rows automation only works when I hit "run now" - it does not run when when triggered. My objective is to use the DataMesh sheet so…
auto-resend update (or approval) request after 30 days
I have some automations set up where the work is intensive (or people forget) and update (or approval) requests sit for more than 30 days. The notification center wipes these requests out after 30 days and although they sit in email, people seem more likely to completely forget about these completely. Does anyone know a…
Charting a multi-select column using a metrics helper sheet.
I have a sheet with a multi-select column (Law Firms) and I wish to show a chart in my dashboard that displays a count of the unique firms in that column. I created a separate metrics sheet with one column (Law Firm Names) containing each unique value contained in the multi-select column. In my other column, I'm using a…
Countifs for if either column is checked
I have two checkbox columns and need to get a count of how many rows have either or both of the check boxes checked. I am struggling on how the formula to accomplish this is the sheet summary. Below is my current equation for getting the count of one of the columns, I am able to do this for both to get a count for each…