Multiple Line Entries with one Form Submission
It would be great feature if one form could be used to fill in multiple lines/rows on a sheet. This would be super useful for my team. As of now, form entries can only create singular row entries on sheets.
PDF Generator Automation Attachments
I've set up an automation to generate a PDF when a row of data is submitted via a form. I have another automation to generate the PDF again each time data in the row changes. I am finding that the subsequent PDF attachment is replacing the first in attachments. Is there a way to have the subsequent PDF added as an…
Conditional Logic based on a numeric field
In Forms when you set a field to be validated as Numeric, it would be nice to be able to show a field based on the number being =, >, <, <>, ⇐, >=. I have seen questions on this, but couldn't find a submitted idea.
Moved: Counting Entries Satisfying a Condition and Within a Certain Month/Year
This discussion has been moved.
NEW! Dashboard chart quality-of-life enhancements
Hi Community! We’ve released quality-of-life enhancements for charts, focused on improving their visual quality and readability. Now, chart axes extend just enough to accommodate values over 100%, eliminating unnecessary white space. Additionally, data labels in stacked bar and column charts will scale to fit neatly within…
Sheet refresh should not take back to first column, but to last updated field
When working with large datasets, whenever we save or refresh the data, it takes us back to the first column and not to where we last updated the data. We then have to manually scroll all the way over to the last updated cell/column which is hard, especially because Smartsheet requires frequent sheet refreshes to reflect…
Indent/Outdent Rows not showing on Reports and Dashboards
I have a Project Schedule "Sheet" that has several parent and child rows. When I created a "Report" for this same sheet, I noticed that the parent/child rows are not showing on the "Report". For example, the report is not allowing me to see which rows are indented/outdented. It would be very helpful to have a way that the…
Summary Field name changes do not reflect in the Summary Report
Whenever we edit summary fields in a particular sheet, the resultant report refuses to recognize the name change and just removes the data for that field. We then have to manually add the summary field back to the summary report. This should not happen. The summary field name changes should automatically reflect in the…
Add Dynamic View (without formatting) as a web content widget on dashboard
We create a lot of dynamic views for our internal teams and need to present them on executive dashboards for leadership review at the end of the project/audit. Having a bunch of different formatting on these views doesn't appear very nicely on the dashboard and even if we turn them off in the DV, they still show up as soon…
Auto Group data
All information on this form comes from Forms. I want the data to all be grouped together for the same PC (Profit Center) as it comes in without having to hit sort button each time. How do we do that? Example as data comes in i want all data from a certain PC to be grouped together so I can see all data inputted from that…