My folder view is not dropping down
My folder view is not dropping down on the left hand side- it normally allows me to select the folder on the left side of the pane and see the various project folders including the metadata, schedule etc. However, now when I click on the project folder I only see these project folders center of my screen. Is there a way to…
From ESRI GIS to Smartsheet
I came across many articles regarding connection from Smartsheet to GIS, but I'm interested in getting attributes out of GIS and into Smartsheet. We have many program administrators need information from GIS and manipulate it to create and track projects.
Toggle Buttons for Entire Dashboard?
I have an dashboard built and want 4 buttons to toggle between different possibilities (1, 2, 3, or 1 2 & 3). Is there a way to do this?
why doesn't Smartsheet save???
Others have asked the same question, but it still never gets answered by Smartsheet. How am I certain to login and be sure that my work is saved after clicking the save icon and/or Ctrl+S? This is a real problem that everyone should be aware of and understand how to resolve. It is not productive to waste hours of time only…
RYGB Based on two date columns
Hi All, I have a formula that I can't get right and looking for help with the following: Green Status = If End Date is in the future and Status is "In Progress" Yellow Status = If Start Date has begun and the Status is "To Do", Backlog", or "Planning" Red Status = If End Date has passed and the status is "In Progress" or…
Move Row automation stops working when there is a row deleted from the sheet
We have put a condition where one of the column has a dropdown change, then move the entire row to a different sheet. However, we see that the Automation had stopped working and while performing a troubleshooting exercise, we found that when a user deletes any rows from that sheet where the automation lies, the workflow…
Campaign Calendar
Hi, I am trying to set up a campaign calendar in smartsheet. But when Calendar tries to pull information from the spreadsheet, this is how it looks(attached). It cuts in between the rows. I created a ticket, but smartsheet closed it without resolving it. Can anyone help?
How do I export a list of Group members/names?
Hello, we have a lot of Groups with many members. I need to do an audit of each Group's members to make sure people are in the right Group (we've had some turnover/people changing teams). I am looking for a way to export to Excel each Group's member list so I can easily do that audit. I don't see an obvious option for…
Why has my Core App Skills badge not shown up on my profile?
I completed the Core App Skills courses and passed the Capstone quiz but my badge is not showing up on my profile. Freda
Countifs in multi contact column referencing another sheet - Help!!
Please help, i am trying to count the total times each name appears in a multi contact column within 365 days referencing another sheet… where have i gone wrong? =COUNTIFS({Archive T&F Date}, <=TODAY(), {Archive T&F Date}, >=TODAY(-365), {Archive T&F Presenter}, FIND("Jen McFarland", @cell) > 0)) It seems like the @cell…