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Azure authentication & process mailboxes
Sysadmin Security question - My understanding is if we use Azure authentication as SSO and auto-provisioning, everyone that logs in to our enterprise account has to be real person with their own email address. We cannot assign a license to a 'process mailbox' that multiple people access. We're in a Microsoft environment…
SCC Blueprint - Customize Profile Data
Hello Smartsheet Community, I am working on creating a Blueprint in Smartsheet's Control Center. Would someone be able to help me understand the differences between the "Cell Link", "One Time Write", and "Editable Value" options when on the customizing profile data page in my Blueprint settings? I haven't been able to find…
Have you seen the profile data get unselected in a blueprint?
When I opened the blueprint, noticed that profile fields were suddenly unchecked. Have anyone seen this happen?
Check list
Hello, is there an extension or application that works with smartsheet that would allow, for a given cell or row, to open a kind of checklist? The aim is not to add lines for every little point linked to a deliverable but to have another tool to list certain points not to be forgotten in the realization of the deliverable.…
Smartsheet and Teams - open within Teams
This discussion was created from comments split from: Smartsheet Integration for Microsoft Teams apps consolidated and permissions reduced!.
Project Plan - Start/End Dates, % Complete and Duration columns not updating.
Happy Friday! Appreciate your feedback, please! Here's a pic from my Project plan (created from the PMO Template) showing the column titles and rows 1-6. Rows 3-6 are in the first phase of the project (under row 2, grey). These are the only completed tasks out of 39 for the entire project. the rest are not started. I'm…
Calendar App
We need the ability to not only remove the smartsheet branding from the Calendar App , but also change the top bar from a dark blue to another color. I have submitted numerous requests to smartsheet. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Delete program in Control Center
How do I completely delete all traces of a program in the Control Center? There's no delete option under Manage Program.
SSO Access for Internal employee regardless of license
Hello! Looking for some insights to how we can set up SSO for all internal employees regardless of SS license to minimize extra passwords. I'm hopefully you have some good news that will allow us to utilize Okta for all employees and not just license users. Presently only works for licensed users, but trying to see if we…
Global Updates Simply DO NOT WORK
I have tried to do a simple text change for a cell and it simply does not work. I am using the Find / Replace option to simply change the text. I have tried "exact match" and "contains". The test is marked as successful but when I open the sheet the old text is still there. I have also tried in the past to make changes to…