Notify Dependent Task Assignee That Predecessor Task Has Been Completed
Here's the setup: I'm trying to get team members to use Smartsheet more. One of the ways I'd like them to use it, is to get them to mark a task as complete once it's been completed instead of me chasing them around and asking them if they've completed the task and then checking it off for them. I'd also like to automate…
Card View multiple perspectives
The Card View is awesome, creates verticle swimlanes for each value in a drop-down field. I'm wondering if there is a way to add a second perspective to the Card View from a second drop-down field. The secondary values would render as horizontal sections. For example, the verticle swimlanes might be departments, but the…
Capture Email address on form submission
Hi Is there a way to automatically capture someones email address when they submit a form entry? I'm looking for a secure way of capturing who the user is without asking them to select their name from a drop down list (within the form). I've tried embedding the form link into an email, hoping that would feed through into…
Assigning multiple resources to a single row
Hi all, Can we somehow assign many people to the same row? for example, 3 people working on the same project. Currently the drop-down box shows individuals. I could create a group - but would prefer not to. Thanks ! :)
I need a better way to print/share Gantt charts
Hi, I frequently need to share Gantt charts - in project reports, presentations, proposals, etc. I find capturing the Gantts a real challenge. I know how to print them, but it often spans several pages and is essentially unreadable. I know how to make it fit to one page, but with the grid lines, it's pretty hard on the…
Formula For Finding Quarter
Hello, New to smartsheets I have been using excel extensively. Can someone pleased teach me the formula for finding a quarter based on a date? For instance [Date Data Column]1 = 1/1/2016 I want the formula to return "Q1" in the [Quarter]1 cell Havent been able to figure this one out...help please!
Conditional Formatting For Date Cell
Hi, I want to apply conditional formatting to a date cell if the date in that cell is earlier or later than a date in another cell. Can someone tell me if this is possible and if so how to do it? Thanks. -Marcia
Capturing the Date and Time a Cell in Smartsheet was created or modified?
How can I capture the date and time the associate column in the above image was created and I want it to be in the date column. Thanks.
Default Font Size and Type
Is there any way to set font size and type to default on every sheet as something other than Arial 10?
Deleting Card Fields
I've followed the instructions - more than once now - and can add new fields to the Cards - but the original default fields still show up, and they are not needed or relevant to my needs. Also, is their any way to change the order of the fields? I am using Chrome, Mac, all latest versions. Thank you - Melody