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Discussion List
Automatically scheduling work on special days (typically weekends)
for my projects, weekends are not workdays. But, at the cumination of almost all the projects, special events (like commercial moves) must be scheduled on weekends - not during workdays. I'd like to set dependencies for all the related events, so that if a Saturday move gets rescheduled to another weekend, all of the…
Freeze top two rows
Is there a way to freeze the top 2 rows of a SmartSheet? I have data in the 2nd and 3rd row that corresponds to the header and I'd like to maintain visibility but have yet to find a way. Thanks!
create a location updated index from 1-10
I need to create a count of 1-10 that always stays at the top of the column in the correct order even when the sheet is sorted and when web forms are used to input information to the top of the sheet. Sounds simple but I have no clue how to do this without drawing a circular reference and without the ability to reference a…
Auto-Number Fields on Form Creation
Hi Is there a way of Auto-numbering Fields during a Form creation? Put simply can you automatically number questions 1, 2, 3 etc? Or can this only really be done manually by changing the column titles? i.e. 1 - Where do you live? (for example) Many thanks Nick
Question: Automated To-Do List by User
Is it possible to build a report that automatically pulls a to-do list for the logged in user from all open project sheets, or do I have to build a separate report for each user and send an updated link each day?
Change Start Dates from a Template
If I have a 30 Day project Template saved and it's start date is 1/1/17, is there a way to easily change the start date on new sheets I create? Essentially, I would like to create a new sheet that would start on, for example, 3/3/17. Everything from the template would be moved over exactly, except the first item would now…
Not showing me who is in a Smartsheet
I use Smartsheet every day at work and am one of the licensed users. Today I am noticing that it isn't showing me who is in a given Smartsheet. I know someone is in it because I'll see the notification to refresh because they've made changes (they will be making updates all morning). Has anyone else noticed this? Thanks!
conditional formatting
Hello!! Hopefully someone can help.... I would like to run a conditional formatting where I enter a number in column 1 and that will produce specific text in column 2 I can only see option of changing the cell colour and not having the condition produce a line of text Thanks Celine :o )
Selecting specific columns for alerts & reminders
Is there a way to select specific columns for displaying on alerts? Currently all columns display on the alert including a column that I have for my own use. Thanks, jerry
Report Errors in Cell History
I have a report that goes out daily showing which items are past due. The report is generated based a column that creates a flag when the line item is past due. On Monday the report went out but says that some one made the change to the cell according to the cell history. The report also looks the receivers that it came…