An Error has occurred in Smartsheet
Dear Smartsheet team, One of our main production management sheets cannot be accessed. We logged out, logged in, restarted browser, cleared cache, computer, etc. The message is: An Error has occurred in Smartsheet It can not be accessed by web or mobile device across all our users. Please help urgently, our daily…
Cell linking broke my sheet!
Yikes. I was trying out the cell linking feature now my sheet is messed up and tells me to log out and back in. I tried to delete the linked cells and save but it won't let me. I can't save or publish. I can't revert..... Reached out to support but hoping someone can help fix. formName: ajax formAction: fa_gridSave…
Smartsheet have Error
Dear Smartsheet team, One of our main project management sheets cannot be accessed. We logged out, logged in, restarted browser, computer, etc. The message is: An unexpected error has occurred. Error code 51 It can not be accessed by web or mobile device. Please help urgently, all our daily client projects are managed here…
Workflow automation
I want to alert someone who doesn't have access to the Smartsheet but instead a Dynamic View of the sheet. Is this automation possible? Marie
Checklist Form to Upload docs to DropBox
I have a form to collect data from Property Managers for each of my tenants. Each column is a document with a yes/no that will be checked on the form if the Property Manager uploads the document. Also on the form is a URL to the Dropbox folder where the documents are to be stored. When I trial the form it sends me to the…
Can I auto-populate recurring rows?
I am a dispatcher for a restroom rental company and we have a dispatch smartsheet page. We have services that we do weekly, twice a week and every other week. Right now I just copy and paste the rows so that the information is there for my drivers every week/every time we need to do that service. Is there a way for…
Line Limit on Dashboard Report
I'm inserting a custom report into a dashboard, but it's only showing the first 150 lines. After that I have to "click to view source report". But no matter how much 'sharing' I do, I cannot enable a non-Smartsheet user to be able to see the whole report. Is there a way to have the entire report scrollable on the…
Countifs with find
I have 2 columns (Stage) and (Courses) Courses is a multi dropdown, stage is a single drop down. I want to count how many people are invited to Fundamentals 1 vs how many have completed or certified in a rollup sheet. I am either getting unparsable or invalid This is on a rollup sheet that points to the working sheet.…
Vlookup cross sheet help
Greetings! I am struggling with a vlookup formula. I want to auto-populate data the IPC Name and IPC Email from sheet 2 based on the campus entered in sheet 1. I have tried variations and keep getting invalid data type. Help =VLOOKUP([Campus]@row, {Sheet2 3}, {Sheet2 2}, false)
SUMIF Formula
Working on a project where I want to put a total in a column based on if an asset needs a rehab. I would like for the formula to find the year and if it matches with the column, put the total in that cell. Here's what I've got: =SUMIF([Next Overhaul Year]2:[Overhaul 15]2, =[SFY2021]1, [Dry Dock Cost]@row) Getting an…