Trial emails
Hello, I'm a licensed user to Smartsheet and if I share my sheets with other users in the organisation, they have to sign up to view them. That's fine, except they're then bombarded with trial emails (You have a 30 day trial, upgrade now! etc.). I don't want them to be a licensed user, I just want them to collaborate on my…
ABout Cell Linking
How can we automatically update our columns when it is linked to another columns? I do not want to use copy and paste because I want the range of columns to be unlimited? I am getting update from web forms on my main smartsheet but I want to update that data on my other smartsheet as well? How can I do that?
Anyone else experiencing an issue with Card view details?
Steps to reproduce: 1 - Change a sheet to "Card view" 2 - Open one of the cards to view the details 3 - Scroll down to a field and click inside the cell 4 - Does the details window anchor back to the top thus not allowing you to click in the details field? If so, I logged a request for this just now: 03425917 I had an…
Workflow Approval Options
It seems that a workflow approval should have 3 options. * Send serially to approver then to another approver. * Send to more than one approver at the same time and if ANY approve, it moves to the next step. * Send to more than one approver at the same time and only if ALL approve, it moves to the next step. I cannot seem…
Trouble with Calendar App Group Data
Hi! I am having trouble with the Group Data By function and using the Custom Category List Order. Some columns that I sort by allow me to choose custom colors while others do not. Is there a reason why some columns allow sorting by color and others do not? How can I identify which columns will allow sorting by color?…
"Unexpected Error" message when submitting forms
I have a user that continuously gets an error message when submitting a form. I have multiple users on this sheet, myself included, and have no issues submitting. He was using the link that I saved to his desktop, but even if he goes straight to forms from the sheet it either won't load for him or he gets the error…
INVALID OPERATION in one column but not the other
Hello, I have the below formula in three columns in my sheet. They are all referencing the same master sheet, same dates, same facility, same units, but different utilization rates. Two of the three columns are working great. The last one isn't. I re-typed the formula in several times, following the other columns' formula,…
How to count how many users assigned to in a sheet
Hello, I have multiple projects and each project is in its own sheet. I am trying to create a summary sheet (to later show in the dashboard) that shows how many people are assigned to each project currently. Is there a formula for this or a feature? Thanks
Unhide row
I need to retrieve a row in a master smartsheet. I can see that row in a report output, but cannot see it in the source sheet. In the master sheet row number jumps from 266 to 268 and it's 267 that I need. On the other hand, you can't hide, and therefore unhide rows as such, the only thing I can think of is that I may have…
Report Building Criteria
I am trying to build reports that segment my data into 5 different reports. One for each year 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. When I select the GLY (Go Live Year) with any on the aforementioned years, my reports come back blank. However, when I select a different criteria and then add the GLY as an additional column, the…