COUNTIFS to Calculate Tenure within a Date range
I am trying to count the number of our employees that leave in the first 60 days if they were hired in a certain month while referencing another sheet. In my original sheet I have 2 date columns (Hire date and Departure date) then a count field that calculates the net days between the two. This is the formula I have and I…
Notification when a shared user information is edited
Hi Everyone , Can you tell me how to set an alert as a sheet owner , to reveice notifications when an user is added , withdrawn or whose information is edited on a sheet ? Thank you in advance .
Charting on non-primary fields
I have an Risks, Action Items, Issue, Decision and Questions.. (RAIDQ) sheet. The description is the primary column (field). I have created a few reports using the RAIDQ as the source sheet. I want to create a charts in a dashboards RAIDQ by Priority, RAIDQ by Status, RAIDQ by Category. I am unable to select any other…
Database of information from one sheet to another
Hi all, I have a sheet that is a "database" of about 400 records. I want other users to be able to input one column of that sheet (Media Company Dropdown) in a form or other sheet and for the next seven columns to autopopulate. Is this possible? Would VLOOKUP be a solution? I've read a few forum posts that said that…
New version of Smartsheet
Hi All, I had a popup window saying that I have to refresh screen due to new version of smartsheet has been released. Anyone knows what is it about? There is no information about it on release notes website, so... should I search for it by myself? :D Yesterday we've been informed that Smartsheet acquired Slope and today…
Enhancement Request: Improve Edit row from Report
Use Case: I have Sheet with lots of columns. Lots. 100 or more. I have a Report designed for a specific role and task set. The Report has a few columns. Two or more but less than 10. Limited view of the data. On the Row Menu, there is an Edit option that allows the user to see the Row in vertical orientation. However, all…
Auto Email Notification
We are using the automated email notification to notify all shared users of changes to a sheet on a weekly basis. The email received by the person who made the majority of the updates does not show their updates, yet these are shown on the email received by all other shared users. I've not come across this issue previously…
Is it possible to take text from Grid View and present it in a 2x3 format?
Hello, I just received a Smartsheet license today, so very new at this. I developed a form to gather information from users and automatically plug into a sheet. This will work nicely for capturing the data, but not so much for presenting the info in a meeting. Does anyone know if it's possible to take the text fields from…
Round up (multiples of 12)
Hello I would like to place any number in a cell, and in another cell to put a formula that will help me round the number placed in multiples of 12 that is, if I put any number from 1 to 12, my result is 12 for example if I put 22, I round to 24 (since it is the next multiplo of 12)
Demo of Business to show managers
Hello, I am trying to explore the resources project planning section. I had a personal for months, but would like to explore the business level. Is there a way to demo the business software? regards, Tom