Attachment capability for Docusign integration
It would be fantastic if there was the ability to attach files in the Docusign generation. It would make a large-scale project that our group performs every year much faster and easier for all of the users.
Ability to Pin tiles on the Home Page
Instead of only recently used Smartsheet items on the home page, it would be really convenient if we were able to pin tiles of our most needed sheets.
Dynamic View- Auto Refresh
Currently Dynamic View doesn't have any auto-refresh settings, When working with Cross-Functional teams, and you need to see latest data. This basic feature/capability unavailability is a big hinder in using Smartsheet Dynamic View. Please consider incorporating it. Thanks,
Link Resource Management "Phase" of a project to data in Smartsheet
It would be useful if a project's "phase" could come from a cell in Smartsheet so the phase of a project doesn't need to be updated in two different places. Example: A project moves from Planning to Execution. As a PMO Manager, I would like to be able to update that in the Smartsheet Portfolio Rollup Sheet for that…
Email flexibility - a CC option
Hi There - part of the function I use Smartsheet for is notifying folk around changes. This almost always includes a specific recipient and a number of FYI's. Currently all recipients are at the TO: level in any email, it would be elegant if there was a CC: option as well. Although I probably wouldn't use it Bcc: field…
Reworked Empty Chart State to replace "Unable to display chart" in Dashboards
I would like to see a rework of the "Unable to display chart" prompt in the Charts widget. I am building a series of dashboards using Grouped and Summarized reports as the source data for charts, pulling basic counts across multiple sheets. These reports are counting open and overdue tasks, the goal being that they'll be…
Account Color Palletes
I would love the ability to add a larger org color palette that is applied not just to new sheets but dashboards and reports. Being able to add the entire companies palette across all items would also help reduce time in creating by not having to manually have employees add the palette. I have already set up my company's…
Embed form in an automated email
I would like to be able to embed a form in an automated email that is sent out to people once a week, so that I can request status reports. I would like to use this, instead of an update request, so that I can have a historical record of previous status and comments. Embedding the form will improve the user experience,…
Access to All workspaces, sheets, dashboards and reports
It would be helpful if a System Admin or new role had access to all workspaces, sheets, dashboards and reports. Currently, we don't have a way to see how the organization is using Smartsheet. I can run a Sheet Access report, but, I don't have the ability to see how Smartsheet is being used.
Removing duplicate rows in a sheet
Would love to see a feature to remove duplicate rows in a sheet. I have an automated rule setup to move rows into a sheet every day and some of the rows are duplicates. I would like to automate the process of removing those duplicate rows.