Side-by-side fields in Forms
Similar to other form products (like Form Assembly), I would like to place/format fields within the form with more flexibility. At the most basic level, I'd like to place 2 fields, side by side. My particular uses would be: Dependent Name: Dependent Age: And also: Income Type: Income Amount: I actually could use more than…
Cascading Forms
Cascading Form data sets is one of Smartsheet's missing capabilities that I believe would be a game-changer for many alternative providers. Cascading forms are a very effective technique that can be used to compress form data and limit down options in order to narrow a workflow or collect more accurate data. Recent usage…
Length and/or Character validation within a Form
When creating a Form, I would like to be able to specify and/or limit the number of characters added to a specific field. As an example, when we ask for the UID (such as mine being U28CT27). Today, I can only give them a free flow box, but in this case, I would like to validate a length of 7 ---- and for extra strength, be…
Multi-factor Authentication
In order to mitigate password vulnerabilities and attacks, please add multi-factor authentication to Smartsheet. It's a security best practice and most SaaS applications (such as Smartsheet) already has this integration available.
Form fields to include Comments
It would be really great if, in the manage forms section, form builders are able to insert a comments field that would populate as a comment on the row once the form is submitted. I have searched many product ideas and did not see this, but I did find older conversations in the community stating that it would be desirable.…
Deactivate form after set # of entries/submissions OR by date
It would be a great thing to be able to specify that a form be made inactive after a set # of entries. For example, my company is sending out an email with a link to a form created to gather demographic information on the individuals. The first 40 submissions are eligible for a 'free lunch' and we don't want to continue…
Allow a Global Update for a Reference
It would be nice if I could create a new reference in the template and have that reference added using the global updates. Right now I can push a formula out using the global updates but in order to have the formula work I have to go into each sheet individually to add the references.
Descriptions for Reports
I would love an area where I can outline specific information, filter details, or specific usage instructions within a report when sharing with my team. Especially those that are mainly collaborators and don't spend as much time in Smartsheet.
Automation to allow Cell Change for Checkbox "Flag" or "Star"
Smartsheet TAM confirmed for me that we can't have an Automation change a cell value if the column type is a checkbox for the icons for either a Flag or Star. Can this be an enhancement request?
Increase the Latest Comment Column Character Limit
The 'Latest Comment' column is a great feature to add the most current information into sheets and reports. It's helpful to be able to provide our executive team printed reports containing all of the information they need. And they don't have to worry about accessing Smartsheet directly. Unfortunately, we recently found…