Lookup Functionality
I want to allow users to simply type in a lookup criteria, and see one row for the response that gives them the information they need versus scrolling through an immense database. I have had to create multiple complex Smartsheets with formulae, and then overlay reports and a dashboard to mimic this functionality. I would…
URLs for Templates
I have a few sheets that I saved as templates for other team members to use. I wanted to make the templates accessible from a dashboard by adding a shortcut to take users directly to the template preview so they can view it and choose to use the template.
pull data from Resource Management directly into the linked sheet/sheet summary
Would like a way to connect the project summary data in RM (project budget, incurred hours, future scheduled hours, project budget (fees), incurred (fees), future scheduled (fees) (see screenshot) into the linked smarthsheet/ smartsheet's sheet summary field.
Allow Document Mapping to be used across sheets
I have many reports that I map for generation that reside in different sheets. This requires me to map the reports for each sheet. If there was a general location, or a way to set as templates to use in any asset that would be such a time saver.
Deploy Smartsheet Desktop App Updates via Enterprise Software Deployment
We recently made available to our organization the Smartsheet Desktop App. In our organization we do not have Local Admin privileges on most users' workstations. It came to our attention that the Smartsheet Desktop App will not auto update itself without prompting the user for a local admin account. We use SCCM as a…
FIX Required: Last Modified Date + TODAY Function = updates all rows
Hello Smartsheet community I would like to see a fix. When you use the "TODAY" function anywhere in your sheet, ANY changes will update the "last modified date" for all rows. What I want: Only update the individual row that has changed. Why? So I know when (and who) made the last change. This was verified as a problem by…
Resource Management: Improve View of Time & Fee Categories in Settings
In the settings, the Time & Fee Categories view chops off the end of Categories with longer names. There is so much space on the page, it does not make sense why the full name of the category would not be visible. Something like "Example Long Category Name" would be listed as "Example Long Ca..."
Hidden or Blind Comment Feature
I would love the ability to have a hidden or blind comment feature for end-users to provide comments or feedback without being able to see the comments posted by other people. This would be especially important for intake sheets so the committee members can have conversations about the request in the comments section and…
Finish API for Sheet Summary Reports to work with Power BI Connector
In my opinion, it is an embarrassment for the Product team to code only 1 of the 2 native types of reports that work work with the Power BI Connector - it's like a restaurant offering two dishes - chicken and steak - but only one of them comes cooked. For those of us that don't have years to wait for Smartsheet to get it…
Stop people from tracking to a project when an hours/fee budget is exhausted in Resource Management
It would be very helpful if there was a setting in Resource Management that allowed us to stop people from tracking to a project once an assigned hours or fee budget is exhausted. Right now, there is only the option to lock entries once they have been input, or after a certain amount of time. It would be great to stop…