Help with Summing Hours Based on Cost Codes Across Sheets
Hi everyone, I’m trying to calculate the total hours worked by cost code across two Smartsheet sheets, but I’m hitting a formula limit on my primary sheet, where I track time entries. Setup: I have a timeclock sheet where employees log their hours, and each entry includes one or more cost codes in a single cell to indicate…
Creating custom formula to auto-display negative number (cost credit)
My company is moving to Smartsheet to consolidate what we normally keep in multiple locations. One of these locations is Excel, where we track project spending and budgets. I've figured out how to use cross sheet referencing to calculate costs and credits and have them show on the master budget tracker. It was a bit of a…
Radio buttons in Dynamic View
Hi, I'd like to use radio buttons for a single select drop down column in my Dynamic View. The only way it allows me to display that field is by drop down. Is there a way to display my two options as radio buttons?
Project Milestones on a single line as a string?
Hi Community I have seen the posts by people trying to achieve multiple milestones on a single line - I have the same issue - and the question I wanted to pose was could I construct a string where the spaces between the milestone markers was based on the time between the milestones (for example, one text space per week) ?…
Multiselect values being treated as one group instead of separate values.
I have a join(collect) formula set up to look for a matching value and to return all of the test names that the restaurant (matching value) is running. That test name can have multiple restaurants selected in a multi-select dropdown column. When I have one restaurant selected, this formula works great. When there is more…
How do I change my Smartsheet primary email address?
Hello, my company name changed and along with it we have a new email domain. In admin it won't allow me to change that address, only add alternates. Wondering if you can help me with this? Thank you
¡Preséntese y conozca a sus colegas!
Hola: Conozca a otros miembros de la Comunidad y tómese un momento para presentarse en los comentarios a continuación. ¿No encuentra las palabras correctas y necesita un poco de inspiración? Cuéntenos de dónde es, cuál es su función, cómo usa o cómo planea usar Smartsheet, y comparta uno o dos datos curiosos sobre usted.…
Return latest value from another column's latest rows
Hello, I have a sheet in Excel I'd like to move to smartsheet to work with a client's team. The only problem I have is with the fields "Previous Cumulative Partner Discount" and "New Cumulative Partner Discount" as they have formulas that involve each other column in theirs and in Smartsheet it returns the circular…
Merged: Effective Employee Scheduling Strategies
This discussion has been merged.
Employee Scheduling
Does anyone use Smartsheets for employee scheduling? I have about 25 people across four sites that I schedule. There are changes everyday. I also need to save a history of the schedules. I currently use excel and google docs. Thank you. Robert