Discussion List
Report Summary and Grouping: add custom formatting
A few things that would improve Report Summary and Grouping: Ability to format the summary data (IE into $ format) Grouping by contact column Pull summary data as a metric into a Dashboard Thanks!
Date Formula -2w but only a Monday Date
I'm trying to create a formula that uses "Program Date" and returns 2 weeks prior, but on a Monday date. I have this formula to give me -2w but cannot figure out how to make it a Monday date only =[Program Date]@row - 14
Timeline - bars text format
ability to customize text format in bars eg center text or left justify or make text smaller or auto resize to fit to shape
Smartsheet Gantt & Powerpoint Intergrations
Hi, I'm looking for any reccomendations for Intergrations with Smartsheet for more visualy pleasing Gantt Charts, with Swim Lanes ect to allow me to not have to redisgn the Gantt Charts for powerpoints as the Smartsheet reports dont offer the best looking Gants for multiple projects. Any recomendations?
Change cell value automation
I am trying to change a task to started if there is time in the duration column. The duration comes from a cross-sheet formula, I know this automation cannot be triggered by a cross-sheet formula so I setup a duration helper column to be the trigger from the same sheet, but it still does not change the cell value. I want…
Reduce the size of the exported schedule with gantt
I often deal with quite extended schedules (more than 1000rows). Exported pdf size is huge (for 1000rows schedule it can be around 50Mb). For example the same schedule exported in MS Project will have 20 times smaller size. It creates a lot of inconvenience when providing the schedule to the customer. Would be good if…
Alert Someone Email - Save as PDF and Attach to Row
Can the automated email generated by an "Alert Someone" workflow be automatically saved as a PDF and attached to the corresponding row?
Approval Request - Error Message for Contact in Cell
I am trying to set up an approval automation for my Smartsheet for a contact in a cell. When I try and use the contact column I get the error message "please select at least one column that is not a comment or attachment". Also shown in the image attached. There are attachments and comments on most rows, but this hasn't…
How to build a consolidated calendar from many other sheets.
Hi I am currently developing departmental marketing calendars with a team for different portfolio's. For example we have events, B2B, B2C, Digital. Each calendar has past and active/upcoming items. My ultimate goal is to get all the data from the calendars and pull it onto a consolidated calendar for the whole department.…
Highlight parent if child task is in the past
Hi I have a sheet that has a column called Task name it has a main task with 4 subtasks (child) below it. The sheet has a Task name, Status and due date column. If the 1st sub task due date is in the past and not marked complete how do I have it highlight the parent of this task Red. If the 1st is complete it is no color…