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Can we bring Office Floor Map in Smartsheet
Hi Team, We have Floor Map for our Office, which we need to bring up in Smartsheet to know live view of Seats available or not. If available it should show green and so on. Please help us on this. Thanks, Sandhiya P
Desktop app for Macs
Is there a downloadable desktop app for MacOS? I am unsure as it is not easily find-able from your website, and I don't know whether it is a case that it is not available on my AppStore from my region (Hong Kong)?
Data Shuttle & Most Recent File
Hello, Is there a way to tell Data Shuttle to upload the most recent file in a folder on Google Drive? Or can it only point to a specific file name as defined in the upload workflow builder?
Hi, I have below automations set for a sheet that gets the values from another sheet by index(match) function, and that another sheet is being updated on a daily basis. As can be seen in this example, I'm trying to get only the newly received SOWs but couldn't quite manage to do it. I tried almost everything in the…
Broken links in SCC blueprint summary sheet
I have an intake sheet to capture project info: on submission, there is an automatic approval for that project to be provisioned All has been working fine: over 100 projects have been created: profile data rolls up into the blueprint/portfolio summary and feeds various dashboards. Since yesterday evening, some weird…
Data Mesh - Workflow creating duplicates
Hi, A Data Mesh workflow is creating duplicates while it used to work. We did not change the mapping, nor the source/destination sheets. So I am a little stuck with how to troubleshoot. Has anyone bumped into that issue before? How did you troubleshoot?
Resource Management Pricing?
I need further clarification on the pricing for Resource Management. I've been told that in order to sign up (within an organization) there needs to be at least 45 people signed up at one time. Can someone verify this? Thanks!
Reporting Columns
Dear SS Team, I noticed that Reporting function sorts the reporting columns in alphabetical order rather then the column order in that particular sheet. Is there a way to disable this sorting and keep the column order while choosing which data to be reported? I am sure you will understand better from the Screen Shots.…
Jira Connector - Going only from Jira to SmartSheet, not updating existing data
We have a few workflows that are set up to "Manually copy new issues and updates from Jira to Smartsheet". We've noticed that even though we run the workflow, not all the data in the selected fields gets updated. One example is the Assignee field. It is not updating in Smartsheet to reflect what has been updated in Jira.…
Dynamic View Field logic not working
Can I get support on how to add logic in the Dynamic View fields? I tried it on but it is not working.