Add the ability to add emoji to conversations
In the sheet conversations, it would be good for us to be able to "react" to certain messages. We don't need anything too fancy, but a simple thumbs up would be good.
Windows Desktop App - available through Store
Having a desktop app is great, but unless you have admin access to your desktop, few are going jump through the IT hoops to get it installed. Whereas Windows Store apps don't need this permission. Having the desktop app available through the Store would widen adoption.
Multiple Custom Domains for automated emails
As we have 2 auto provisioned email addresses and would like to set up automated custom domains, it would be great to be able to have the option to add a second custom domain. It would need the logic to associate which custom email domain with the users email address.
Report Builder - toggle column list order
It would be helpful to have a toggle (or some other way to make a choice) in the columns section of the report builder: Alpha or Sheet Order. Most reports mirror the layout of the underlying sheets to some extent, so it would be helpful to have the column list sorted in the same order as the columns appear on the sheet…
Automatically update a form name when the Sheet name is updated
There currently isn't a way for a form on a sheet that comes on a template to automatically update once their Sheet name is updated, in Smartsheet. Could you make it such? An alternative would be to link a cell to a field in the form that would be pre-populated when a user goes to fill it out.
Deactivated Users
In addition to needing delete option returned, I should be able to SHOW DEACTIVATED users the same as Show Active users on User Management page (upper right, SHOW ALL, etc.).
Autofill Form
So if I have a purchase request form I want to select Item A, for example Once I select that, I want it to give me than a list of budget numbers to pull it out of (Item A for engineering, Item A for software, etc.) Then autofill with a set price, and I put how many I need and/or show me how many are currently budgeted for…
Auto-Populate email address or business units tied to name or company ID on Intake Form
Auto-Populate email address or business units tied to name or company ID on Intake Form. Then captures this info on the actual Smartsheet columns. This will save the users time, entering information on the form and also save the hassle of adding the sections for the Smartsheet admin.
Columns Indent
Searched but got only two hits for this suggestion. In large sheets, with 40 or columns or more, an indent function would make life a lot easier when scrolling left and right. Also, by indenting, grouping columns will add more logic to the layout of your sheet. Is there a workaround for this or is it only a few people…
Datatable Re-Organize Columns
It would be convenient to be able to re-organize columns in Datatable. For example if I didn't add column B at the initial setup but did add columsn A, C, D, and I want this data later, I can't insert it where I expect to have this data. This is more of an issue with several columns but the only workaround I've found is to…