Allow linked cells to trigger workflows
Just as the title says. It's really frustrating when you want linked cells to trigger a workflow but you can't.
Option to remove zeros from Scatter Charts
When using a scatter chart any value of 0 is plotted on the axis. It would be great to have an option to toggle off displaying these values. It crowds the scatter plot with junk information. Here is a before and after example where I use a formula on the metrics sheet to change any zero values to null values. With 0 Values…
Any Fix Coming for the Long-Standing Time/Date Issues? (Time Zone/Server Time/Local Time/GMT)
I ran into another case of time discrepancy causing date value problems, and it's getting frustrating that this hasn't been addressed yet. I know there are workarounds for this, but it seems like something so basic should have been fixed long ago. In this case, I have training class attendees who use a form to sign into…
Removing widgets from dashboard view if access is not already granted
When creating a dashboard some widgets will be hidden for certain users. The outline of that specific widget (report) is then still visible with the message stating it is not accessible. The widget should not be there at all. This results in the dashboard looking incomplete and I do not want questions from the blocked…
Folders for Calendar App
It would be great to have the ability to place calendars built in Calendar app into folders. RIght now, it is a long list and not very organized. Filters are a good step, but folders would be a leap! Additionally, it would be cool to then grant permissions based on the folder (if needed).
Print Individual Responses
It would be great to be able to print or save as pdf individual responses received through a created form. The print out would be as it appears for the user after they fill it out. Similar to how individual responses can be printed in Survey Monkey. Sometimes you want the data, but not in a sheet format, being able to…
Control Center - Global update function to modify multiple columns within a template
It'll be nice to have global update function to modify multiple columns within a template in one update if you're modifying the exact same thing - like unlocking columns or applying formatting
Control Center : Global Update : adding new reports to provision - should use same permission config
When new reports are added to blueprint and want to add new reports from Control Center to all provisioned projects, report permissions are manual update for each provisioned projects. It should carry the Control Center Permission Config which user should have what permission level so we don't have to manually update…
Copy and paste collapsed Rows
It would be very helpful to be able to copy all collapsed rows when a main row is selected for copying. At present it seems you have to expand all collapsed rows in order to cop and paste them. I group items at multiple levels into sections which are collapsed and sometimes would like to make a copy of the entire section.…
Copy / Move Row from one sheet to another with formula
It would be incredibly valuable to be able to copy a row from one sheet to another with formula remaining in tact. At present formula seem to copy and paste as plugged values.