Data Table - more filters needed
Data Table is useful because I can bring in larger groups of data than the 20K line limit for sheets. You can pull data from the Data Table in a new sheet using the filters but the filters are extremely limited to 5: equal, not equal, blank, not blank and contains. So even if the subset of data I need is under 20K lines, I…
View Collections from the Browse Screen
This enhancement request will allow the user to access and view Collections from the Browse menu. Currently you have to navigate into the workspace and click into an asset to view the "Workspace Panel" in order to access the Collections.
Remove Formatting from Reports
When entering a Report into a dashboard you have the ability to remove formatting. This same feature would be great to have in the report itself.
Central Location for User Comments across Smartsheet
My team uses a mix of sheets, reports, and WorkApps every day. Having ONE place to see all of my comments across Smartsheet would be extremely helpful to reference and track progress of my work.
Make the form banner scalable
We would like to see an enhancement to the Forms where we can add larger banners and customize forms a bit more to align the look and feel with our organization.
Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to share with the same customize message. Please bring that back. It is a much-missed function. Thank you!
Customize hyperlink destination in reminders/notifications
I tend to use a lot of large sheets with contributors from multiple sites interacting with the sheet through reports, and use automations to notify users when they need to input information in their report. Unfortunately, the notifications link back to the sheet itself and not to the user's report. It would be very useful…
Missing ctrl + arrow navigation inside cells
Hi, Could you extend the editing of cells to use the regular keys ctrl + arrow and ctrl + shift + arrow. Without this my flow is disrupted. :|
Clear Sharing Requests
In the upper left, clear all sharing requests WITHOUT declining or accepting. I add people through groups, I don't want to add/decline individually. I need to clear the list. Please fix this "new and improved" feature that is very annoying and not at all helpful.
Card View, Default Expand All, Currently Only Manual Expand
Card View currently requires manually clicking the down arrow/carrot to expand all the children. When you have a checkbox this is inconvenient as everytime you come back to the card view you have to expand again.