Desktop app - clicking on link to open a new tab
Love the new desktop app, but when clicking on a link, it would be amazing if it would open a new tab by default. Or at the very least allow a CTRL+click or right click option to open a link in a new tab within the app. I use that all the time in a browser.
Time Stamp for Approvals
We need the ability to record a time stamp for approvals. I found a workaround, but having it natively in Smartsheet like recording a date would be so much cleaner.
Allow Dashboards to be inactivated
Many times, teams will have the URL for Dashboards within their team documentation. With that said, if a project has been completed and their documentation is never updated, you will get requests to add people to dashboards even though the project is complete. If there is a deactivate flag within the dashboard…
Row number fuction
A function that gives you the row number of a cell as a number without using a workaround.
Allow new entries from Dynamic View to go to top of sheet
Please create a setting to allow new entries from Dynamic View to go to the top of the sheet it is connected to.
Notes section on Sheets
It would be great to be able to have notes or a text box area on a sheet to put information that the team may need to see or know about it without having to attach the comment to a field on the sheet or making a dashboard. If a text field could be added where the calendars are or a new widget that would be great.
Copy / Move Row from one sheet to another with formula
It would be incredibly valuable to be able to copy a row from one sheet to another with formula remaining in tact. At present formula seem to copy and paste as plugged values.
Have attachments automatically included into the JIRA Description.
It would be great if the attachment URL could be copied to a column using a formula. Which then the JIRA connector would pick up when it creates the JIRA ticket. I already have a formula that picks up information from different rows and then when the JIRA connector creates the ticket it puts this information into the JIRA…
Redirect to Dashboard/Form Upon Sign-In
Hello, I have a number of forms that require sign-in as well as a dashboard that requires sign-in to see it. I have received several confused messages from people who click on a direct link to a form/dashboard I have sent them, but when they click the link and then sign-in they are taken to a general Smartsheet account…
Adjust length of Workflow ID to prevent credit card misidentification by M365
We have recently implemented some automated workflows, and have found that Microsoft 365 identifies automated emails from Smartsheet as credit cards. If we try to forward those emails to external users, or if an external user replies to that email and starts a thread with us, Microsoft 365 flags the email every time…