Data Shuttle Failing "Workflow Execute: Could not access source"
I have a Data Shuttle automation to pull in an Excel file to a sheet (replace) on a weekly basis that lives on Sharepoint. Every time the automation runs, I get the error message "Workflow Execute: Could not access source. Please check your workflow configuration for errors." The Excel file will also not be hyperlinked…
we are having SSO working but when I try to do CNAME I am getting this error I added CNAME at my DNS to point to SSO.Smartsheet.com. Please help Thanks
Can you bring in the file name as a column for data entry with data shuttle?
Hi, if I'm using data shuttle, I want to bring in the name of the file where a row has been added/updated so I can track back to source entry. Is this possible? Many thanks Melissa
Control Center Profile Data Not Populating
This discussion was created from comments split from: Control Center Profile Data Not Populating.
Smartsheet Groups not showing in Control Center sharing fields
Hi, since yesterday I noticed that when creating a project in Control Center, Smartsheet groups are no more shown as option. Everything worked just fine until yesterday so it seems that there is an issue in Smartsheet, however the status page doesn't show incidens. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?
Value is not supported for this column type. Use ObjectValue instead.
Hello, Our users are using the Calendar App icon that is designed to create a new event. When they enter an email address in the Site Contact Email field they receive the following error: calendar.smartsheet.com says "Value is not supported for this column type. Use ObjectValue instead". The column type is a Contact List,…
Dashboard integration with powerpoint - or print preview function
Currently to load our projects from a dashboard to powerpoint we 'print to pdf' and then snip to paste to power point. Is Power point integration a reality? If not is a print preview function possible to clearly show where each page cuts off? This is a monthly cycle for my team to reformat/respace depending on the amount…
Docusign clearing formulas once complete
This became a problem in the recent year but I have a Docusign fill out mapped to one of my SmartSheets and maps in the cells to the areas I fill out on a line basis. I will go through my usual process and send the Docusign however, once the Docusign is signed by the recipient and then completed by me, the entire row will…
Data Shuttle Upload with external source
Is it possible to use Data Shuttle with a source that is a HTTPS accessible CSV file? The CSV file that we want to pull (every 30 minutes) is not in Google Drive, Box, SharePoint. It can be accessed via HTTPS. We have had a data shuttle running for many years that has a human in the loop who manually retrieves the CSV…
Data Table constant error, "An Internal error occurred. Connection will refresh on next execution"
I have a Data Table linked to a sheet that gives a constant error (above), and will not work no matter how many times I rebuild it. There are no numbers with special characters, and the dataset is pretty standard stuff. I can't find any info at all on Data Table errors, and this has been going on for 24-hours. I used Data…