Ability to drag/drop multiple documents in Dynamic View
Currently not able to fully use our Dynamic Views because the user is limited to uploading one attachment at a time vs. the ability to drag/drop multiple documents and the user experience is not up to par for the stakeholders involved.
Enable copy/paste of text from Microsoft OneNote
This is currently not possible. If enabled, it would help a lot of users who rely on OneNote. See this community discussion dating back 5 years with no resolution.
Profile Data Global Update to include inserting "Summary" row
We have one blueprint has over 370 projects and after 2 years in, our process changed and I need to add Summary row to one of the sheet. Currently we are unable to do this with Global update since Summary row did not existed before in this particular sheet.
Sheet Summary and Row Global Updates
As my team is starting to use Smartsheet Control Center more to standardize ongoing projects, two areas for global update improvements came up. As of now, we are unable to globally update fields in the sheet summary area, and we cannot add the same row to a set of templated projects. If both of these could be added as…
New Timeline View - Display set values On bars in swimlanes
In the new Timeline View, I'd love for the ability to display a specific column value on the rightmost section of a bar within the swimlane. The idea could be that if a set an additional categorical column value on each bar. For example, I have a timeline with some bars, and I want to set them to show their corresponding…
New Timeline View - Sidebar Custom Group Colors
Timeline view is such a nice and cool view for Smartsheet time values! I've currently been tinkering with using Timeline view to show some project timelines; however I'm running into an unusual challenge that could be a good enhancement. Currently, all color values in Timeline View are auto-assigned, and individual task…
Data Mesh by Row and Link cells by row
It would be great if you were able to design datamesh to work in rows as well as columns. Most of my work is in rows and I have to manually link the cells. It would also be helpful to be able to link cells by row.
Start date & End date in resource allocation underlying report from analytics in Resource management
Hi team, As earlier I already posted and shared the idea for large and mid cap organizations to help th data regarding resource allocation start date and end date. As of now if you will generate underlying data from resource management you will get most of the data, project name client, scheduled hours etc but, in Resource…
Grouping in Dynamic View
I have a report that has a large number of rows and I use Dynamic View to enable contributors to edit individual rows when required. In the report I can group all the rows by the project title which makes finding the row to be edited very convenient. However, in my Dynamic View this grouping does not work and I end up with…
View Only Page Needs Browser Window "Find" Functionality
Given I am on a dashboard or sheet as a user with view only access, when I am looking for key words on the page, I want to use the find function on my default browser window. This option is currently unavailable and larger pages of information it is hard to find what I am looking for unless I can look up a specific word on…