Export Timeline View
Timeline is such a good feature, with a straightforward entry, as well as color edit. What isn't available is being able to export it on to PowerPoint or Excel. When is that coming?
Create chatgpt and other LLMs integration connector
Companies are adopting LLMs, either popular options, or their own versions built in house. It would be a useful feature to create API/Connectors similar to Jira Connector, allowing users to connect their Smarsheet account to their preferred LLM (either a popular choice or an in-house option) inside smartsheet. A company…
Undo Function After Saving
Smartsheet should still allow us to undo after a sheet/report autosaves. This has really frustrated me. As I'm trying out certain things on my sheets, smartsheet will autosave and it totally screws me over. Also, I'm shocked y'all don't have a restore function - where we can restore sheets to an older version if someone…
Ability to "undo" is removed whenever the sheet saves
Whenever the sheet saves (automatically or otherwise), all ability to undo is taken away. This causes problems when you are troubleshooting a formula and you cannot undo to a time when it worked properly.
Freestyle Drawing on a Form
In our organization, we have found multiple use cases where users would like to submit a form and a data point we would want to capture from the form user would be a free style image either on a blank canvas OR the ability to upload an image and have the user "mark up" the image to answer a question or provide info.…
Adding Calculated 'Report' Column into a Report
we need to make some calculations on summarized data in reports. such as summing up two or more column values or dividing two column's values in each other to get a percentage value from them. Calculation have to be functional not only in data rows but also in summary rows in a report. My suggestion is to make a calculated…
Capturing Contact with email in Forms
I love the fact that a Contact field can contain both the display name and email address in one. For our current project, we don't have a way to collect all of the contact names & email addresses ahead of time, so we are capturing that first entry in a Form (along with other key pieces of information). For a user to…
Allow copy of a direct link to a specific attachment in a row
I would like to suggest an enhancement to copy and send a direct link to a specific file Attachment to a row, when there are multiple files attached to the same row.
Increase sheet row and column limits
Hi Guys, What is the possibility to increase the row (20 000) and column capacity? I'm working for a company that headcount surpasses the 20 000 mark which makes it extremely difficult to utilize smartsheets, which we really want to do. This would truly make a huge difference in building a database etc.
Display sheet name/link on form
It would be helpful if somewhere on a form it included the link or at least name of sheet it is connected to. Our team is currently having an issue finding which sheet a form is connected to. Granted, this is an odd problem because we typically know this info. However, we receive requests from multiple departments that…