Baseline only select rows with in a project plan/gantt
It would be very helpful to re-baseline only highlighted parts of a gantt so you don't overwrite values which are not to be reset.
Dynamic View - Sheet Attachments
I need my user to be able to see sheet attachments as well as row attachments in their Dynamic View as they are NOT shared with the smartsheet itself
Attachments in Comments Do Not Flow into the Dynamic View Comment Nor Attachment Tab
Background - An internal application has an alias as a support hub for Administrators. - A Ticketing tool was built in Smartsheet with a Dynamic View for Requestors. - Requestors can be the application Administrator, End User or Stakeholder. Deficiency - Administrators require proof that the internal application error…
Allow Freeze Columns in Dynamic View & better visibility to the row you're selected
When working with a dynamic view that has conditionally formatted rows, it becomes difficult to see what row you are clicked on when making updates in the details pane. Also not being able to freeze columns is a major disadvantage.
Export PDF's Links from Latest Comments
Would it be possible to view the PDF's uploaded onto the Latest Comments Row? So far, when the data is exported into Power Bi, any PDF's attachement aren't viewable, as the URL for the attachments doesn't seem to be stored within the export. I would like to be able to view the SmartSheet attachments within Power BI, which…
Add Connectivity to Power Apps
In Power Apps, there looks to be a perisistent issue with connecting to SmartSheets and creating a form. This sadly means the Power Bi reports I have created cannot have Power App intergration, which would have allowed editing of SmartSheet data directly from Power Bi. Are their any planned workarounds for this?
Enable AI Tools in Dashboards - Add AI generated charts/data to existing or new dashboards
Hello, with the new AI tools, it is nice to be able to have a chart or number displayed/downloaded but it would be even better if we could have this added to an existing or use when creating a new dashboard.
dashboard filter
It would be great if you could have filters on the dashboard for the user. For example being able to show the participants in a project, and then being able to filter between males and females or other criteria.
attachments being sent to the customer
I am using smartsheet for local groups to apply for funding. We are assessing their applications based on the information they submit on a form. I then want to generate a series of offer letters (which I can do through automation). The bit that is missing is I want to then automatically send them an email to say there is…
Request - add # cells referenced to the right tool bar
Add a count for the number of cells reference in the sheet to the Activty Log and "Manage Reference" panel. I am constantly hitting the 100,000 cells or 25,000,000 cells reached. I want to get a heads up before my sheet crashes. If there is a count, I can see if my changes are working or not. The count should show which…