Admin Ability to Transfer Ownership of WorkApps
The Smartsheet System Admins should have the ability to transfer ownership of WorkApps. When people that own a WorkApp are let go, there access is removed and the WorkApps need to be transfered to someone else just like all of the other Smartsheet Items.
Organizing Files/Pages in WorkApp - Headers and Sections
I would love to be able to better organize my left-hand navigation panel in WorkApps so it looks less like a dump of pages and more like a mini-website nav panel. Perhaps being able to add a "header" with a drop-down option? Or maybe even just add lines to separate types of files? I absolutely LOVE using WorkApps, but this…
Organizing Attachments by Folders
I am trying to use Smartsheet to manage several grant programs, from the application process to post-award reporting. The platform lends itself to do this easily, but one nuisance is having to deal with a lot of attachments without any way to organize them. It would be so much easier if we were able to organize attachments…
Group Management - add pending users to group
Adding new members to Group Management should be expanded in functionality to: 1) allow new members to be looked up via name or email (not just email) and 2) allow a person to be added to a group even if they have not yet acknowledged their Smartsheet invitation. That way, you can add and manage group in advance without…
Add Finish-to-Finish dependency without compromising existing Start date of the successor
Scenario: I have Task#1 with a multi-day duration and a Start date that I want to preserve, but I want its end date to match the end date of Task#2. Adding a FF dependency to Task#1 (making it a successor) would be the easiest way to do this - and it does work as long as the end dates of both tasks are identical at the…
Increase Number of Groups (Reports)
Three is too few. We often need up to 10 groups.
Custom Date Range on PDF Export of Gantt View
Right now, when you enter a 'Custom Date Range' parameter on the export settings for a Gantt view, it will export the full months of the date range you have entered. For example, if you select the range of 5/16/2023-6/2/2023, the exported Gantt chart will show all of May and all of June instead of just the range selected.…
SHARE button links -- Automatically redirect for SSO Company Accounts
Please redesign the SHARE button. Every day, users are unfortunately presented with the same login page on initial load. “Welcome back to Smartsheet" "Sign in with your company account or Sign in with Microsoft” The SHARE link should be smarter than that and automatically redirect as necessary for SSO based company users…
Locked rows except for one cell/column
Have the possibility to have a cell/column that remains unlocked even when a row is locked. This would enable a free user to check that cell and launch an automation to request the row to be unlocked
More colors, at all costs.
Please give us the ability to call more colors even if we have to go grab hex codes from somewhere outside the smar system and manually type them into a box to display them. 40 colors, especially the ones that exist in smar, so remarkably limiting and make the sheets look horrendous. Not a good thing when you've got teams…