Remove "automation@app.smartsheet.com" from sender email address
The OIT Security department at my university received a report that an email from automation@app.smartsheet.com may be phishing. We send a number of Update Requests through Smartsheet that require action from the receiving party. If the email is perceived as phishing by the recipient (or flagged as Spam by the email…
Multi-factor Authentication
In order to mitigate password vulnerabilities and attacks, please add multi-factor authentication to Smartsheet. It's a security best practice and most SaaS applications (such as Smartsheet) already has this integration available.
Sort Report by the Summary result
I am having a report grouped by region and summarized by numbers of process per region. it's only sorted alphabetical by region not possible to be sorted by summary numbers. Easy feature appreciate if it could be existed soon. Thanks team, Shorouk Helmy
Deactivate form after set # of entries/submissions OR by date
It would be a great thing to be able to specify that a form be made inactive after a set # of entries. For example, my company is sending out an email with a link to a form created to gather demographic information on the individuals. The first 40 submissions are eligible for a 'free lunch' and we don't want to continue…
Change Formatting in Reports
It would be very convenient to be able to format a report different than the sheet. One purpose of a report is to bring multiple sheets of data together, but often those different sheets have different formatting which can make your report look awful. If you could format your report at the report level, it would solve all…
Dynamic View Logic should behave like Conditional Form Logic (aka "live")
Logic in Dynamic Views should work as it does in Forms - changes / info entered while filling out the form results in changes to the form based on established logic. Instead, DV Logic is applied only when a request is loaded or saved. This is a follow-up to an old discussion on Dynamic View logic behavior (here) PAIN…
Saving a "Form" for later use without submitting as of yet
I have employees that try to start filling out their form as they work their 8-hour shift throughout before submitting. It seems that there are times that they leave for a while, and it automatically shuts down without saving their information that they currently had in there. I heard that there is not a way to save the…
Datasources for Dropdown Menus
A sorely missing feature from Smartsheets right now is the ability to link dropdown menus to a central datasource - currently when designing sheets with dropdown menus, you need to manually update every sheet where the list exists making change management a pain. If we could populate those dropdown menus from a reference…
Hot key for Expand and Collapse Row
As Business Analyst, I'm frustrated when working with large projects that I cannot expand and collapse with a hot key. I find it cumbersome to use a mouse to click the + or - on a row of nested rows to expand or collapse the nested rows. Ideally, I'd like keyboard/hotkey functionality tied to the expand and collapse…
Cross-Sheet Dependencies
Effective management of project programs demands careful consideration of inter-project dependencies since tasks in one project can impact or rely on tasks in another project. We kindly request information about your plans for introducing cross-sheet dependencies in Smartsheet. Could you please confirm if this feature is…