Group Multi-Select Dropdown and Multi-Select Contact Columns within Reports
It would be great if we had the option to group line items in a report by options selected in a dropdown column. Ex. If you are viewing projects within a global campaign and have "country" as a column with the fixed values for all the available countries. It would be nice to be able to run a report where you could group…
Primary Columns in Grouped Reports: change label locations and move column
A report must use a sheet’s primary column and the primary column must be in the first report column. Labels for report groups are displayed in the report’s primary column, so if you don’t want to view the primary column in the report, or hide the primary column, then the groups’ labels will be hidden. If you copy the rows…
Deactivate form after set # of entries/submissions OR by date
It would be a great thing to be able to specify that a form be made inactive after a set # of entries. For example, my company is sending out an email with a link to a form created to gather demographic information on the individuals. The first 40 submissions are eligible for a 'free lunch' and we don't want to continue…
Shortcut to Dashboard Header / Bookmarks
I have a pretty big dashboard of resources that are grouped under 9 headers. The top of my dashboard has a table of contents. Is there anyway to link a jump to those headers within the same dashboard? A link to a bookmark within the dashboard (not to another sheet)?
Dark Mode for Desktop App
I'm so pleased to see the release of the Desktop App. Such a key feature, so well done. It would be great to have dark mode included in the app.
Conditional Formatting on Sheet and Row Level
Dear Smartsheet Development Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to suggest an enhancement to the conditional formatting features in Smartsheet. As a frequent user of your platform, I have found that while Smartsheet offers robust functionalities, there are limitations in the conditional formatting…
Attachment capability for Docusign integration
It would be fantastic if there was the ability to attach files in the Docusign generation. It would make a large-scale project that our group performs every year much faster and easier for all of the users.
Cross-Sheet Dependencies
Effective management of project programs demands careful consideration of inter-project dependencies since tasks in one project can impact or rely on tasks in another project. We kindly request information about your plans for introducing cross-sheet dependencies in Smartsheet. Could you please confirm if this feature is…
Sheet Summary in Control Center Global Updates
It would greatly enhance the functionality of the Control Center if the Sheet Summary could be incorporated into the Global Updates feature. In contrast to utilizing a "Metadata" sheet in the Project Blueprint, I've opted for the more convenient Sheet Summary to store essential metrics. While the metadata approach can be…
Dynamic Filter on Dashboards
I really miss allowing the user to actively filter information from their dashboard view. I wish I could have a filter button that could be positioned on the dashboard. Then the user could choose to see the data of a period or a project, for example.