Need To Be Able To Connect Power BI To Datatables
There is a need for Power BI to connect to Datatables in Smartsheet. Currently, Power BI only connects to Grids and Reports. In order for data from a Datatable to be accessed, a workaround must be used. One common workaround is a Datatable feeding into Grids, and then Power BI can access the individual Grids. This requires…
Create "SAVE FORMULAS AS TEXT" Option in Backups, Exports, Snapshots, etc.
My tiny brain says that this feature request would be fairly simple to create, and I know it would make many of us very happy. FEATURE REQUESTED: Create an option to "Save Formulas as Text" when doing a "Backup", "Export", or "Snapshot". If checked, the system would place a special character in front of all cells in the…
Add a way to track requests submitted via online form in the mobile app
Connect accounts so that submissions made online show up in users' mobile app. This will improve tracking and communication of needs & updates.
Workspace Shared to panel
Hello, Would it be possible to reduce or even hide the panel showing who is shared to a Workspace? I'd like to see the names of the content within the workspace far more than who the Workspace is shared to. If the Workspace Shared to section could be minimized, that would be ideal. Thank you for your consideration, Lisa
Board view attachments and comments visible when double clicking like it was on card view
With the old card view, when you double clicked on a card you could see all the details in one easy view, including the attachments and cards associated with that row. With the new board view, when you double click you're only able to view and update the fields associated with that card. If you want to view the comments or…
Sort While Filter Is On
I am unable to sort while a filter is on. This is inconvenient. This is basic Excel functionality today. This should be updated within the new grids asap.
Set Contact field display type to name or email
When using Assigned To or any other contact field across a large number of sheets, and then aggregating that data in a report or pivot that groups by the contact field, it becomes quickly painful that the same contact appears as both their email address and their name, depending on how someone entered them into the Contact…
Allow for more customization in alert automations
It would be nice for alerts to allow things like a hyperlink to resources or an image that is stored as a sheet resource (like an email signature image. I use smartsheet for automated messages to new joiners and it looks very foreign because there are so few options for customization.
Use scatter plot for benefit effort matrix
We would like to use a scatterplot for a benefit effort matrix representing the entire project portfolio. I would be great if we could have a tooltip not only indicating the current benefit and effort value but also the project name, allocated from another column.
Reset blueprint template to baseline
Example: a project plan sheet is formatted incorrectly by a user. There should be a way to reset the sheet to it's original state when the project was provisioned, to not interfere with cell, report, and widget linking.